Some photos from the book signing…

It was a wonderful party. I forgot my camera, so I grabbed my daughter’s phone. Wish I had taken more pics, but spent a lot of time visiting with people I hadn’t seen for ages.

Lots of glass penguins
Sarah signing…

Two sweet friends showed up in kimonos, because Punty the penguin travels to Japan on his way to Antartica and one of the illustrations inside is of Japanese kimonos.

I wish I had more to share. There were postcards and stickers, maps and cookies from Sarah’s recipe in the book.

A fun time was had by all.

Again, if you are interested in this fascinating book, there are some left. You can contact Sarah at

Introducing My New Book!

My daughter Sarah has written, illustrated and self-published her own incredible adventure book. Read all about it here and be sure and get yourself one. 🙂 You’ll love it!!!

Pen on Paper

“Tera, do you think you could make a glass penguin? I want to send it to my friend, Ray,” I asked my glassblowing sister.

“Sure, I can try!” she said. And she did.

I watched the whole process from a nearby stool behind the partition. Heated to a glowing orange and turning slightly black as it cooled, the lump of glass turned into a tiny little penguin right in front of my eyes.

“This is perfect!” I said and packed it carefully into a box to send to Ray in Perth, Australia. International shipping form in hand, I took it to the Guthrie Post Office where it began its journey.

“Ping!” An email notified me that the package had reached Chicago. Days later another “Ping!” signaled its arrival in Tokyo, Japan.

That’s when the wheels began to turn…

“Wouldn’t it make a fun story to have a penguin traveling around…

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Latvian Mittens…Instagram…30 Day Paintings in January…

Thought I would share my first completed Latvian Mitts with you…


You wouldn’t believe how many mistakes are in these, but I’m determined to do more… not more mistakes… more mitts… 😉


Yes, I finally have instagram … thanks to my very Sage daughter who did it all for me. So follow me… You can scroll down the right side column of this page and find my instagram widget.

Just want to announce that Leslie Saeta is once again hosting 30 Paintings in 30 Days in January 2015. Anyone interested in joining up should go to her blog … LSaeta Fine Art


My First Art Walk…

Thought you all would enjoy seeing a few pictures…

Art Walk

My art was featured in the center of the glass gallery in Guthrie. Glenda, the shop owner, blows glass in the back room, and she sells glass, jewelry and paintings from many different artists.

Art Walk 1

The cards were absolutely a best seller…

Art Walk 2


Art Walk 3

Thanks to all of you who stopped by and to all of you who encourage me here on my blog… I appreciate you all so much!!! 🙂

So How Was the Market?

Pumpkins lined the driveway…


My daughter’s watercolor cards hung on a string on the fence…


My art displayed on our old barn…



Coffee and Scones for sale…


And a lot of this and that…


Even some architectural antiques…


Mr. Knightly, the rooster, got in on the action…


And I sold his portrait painting…

mr1 copy

And the Cute Boots! painting…

Cute Boots!

And my Sunflower painting…

sunflowers 5

Two of my mini paintings…

Autumn Flowers

Farmer's Market Sunflowers

And one of my very favorite paintings, because it is so simple…the Window…


Now if you want to try a super delicious fall scone recipe, my daughter just posted it on her blog…Pumpkin Pecan Scones with Maple Glaze.  They are fantastic!  We even had a wonderful friend bring incredible gluten-free scones and they were amazing!
