What I’ve Been Painting

Here is my favorite portion of a new painting I finished today…well… it’s not finished until I sign it, and I usually walk around for days and look at it to make a little change here or there…

sheep 5

If you would like to see the rest of the painting and some of the behind the scenes pics and an explanation of how I came to paint this wintery scene, or to follow me in my little art corner, go to my blog alittlecorneroftheartistinme.

This blog Simply Painting is where I decided to post my paintings during the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge, so I will be posting on my other blog until we have another challenge.

My Etsy shop

My website… knaylorpaintings.com

4 thoughts on “What I’ve Been Painting

  1. Oh, I really love this one! Makes me feel connected and thankful to the source of my winter fiber play. 😉 I also like that one of the sheep has only come partially into the frame, it gives the scene even more motion and anticipation.


      1. Interesting! It is a nice crop. If you do another, it would be cool to have part of that sheep folded around the edge of the canvas, like it’s running around the painting.


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