Exciting News…

A gallery in the town near me is going to take some of my paintings…

3 bouquet

This is one of them. I discussed pricing with her and she told me that all my paintings should now be priced at gallery prices. This surprised me, but I understand that it is only fair to the gallery presenting your paintings, so that the prices are consistent. I learned a lot visiting with her. A really great experience… and like I said…very exciting for me. šŸ™‚

So How Was the Market?

Pumpkins lined the driveway…


My daughter’s watercolor cards hung on a string on the fence…


My art displayed on our old barn…



Coffee and Scones for sale…


And a lot of this and that…


Even some architectural antiques…


Mr. Knightly, the rooster, got in on the action…


And I sold his portrait painting…

mr1 copy

And the Cute Boots! painting…

Cute Boots!

And my Sunflower painting…

sunflowers 5

Two of my mini paintings…

Autumn Flowers

Farmer's Market Sunflowers

And one of my very favorite paintings, because it is so simple…the Window…


Now if you want to try a super delicious fall scone recipe, my daughter just posted it on her blog…Pumpkin Pecan Scones with Maple Glaze.Ā  They are fantastic!Ā  We even had a wonderful friend bring incredible gluten-free scones and they were amazing!


Pricing Paintings

While looking through all my paintings… old and new… and pricing them for the sale this weekend,Ā  I found this old painting I did a couple of years ago from a photograph of the most colorful town in Italy…Burano.

Boats at Burano

11″ x 14″ oil on gessoed board

I painted it because I loved the colors, and I have been trying to use more colors, like the purple in the sidewalks. But I wasn’t thrilled about the way it turned out back then, so away it went, out into a large box in the garage. Now after all that time, I pulled it out again and I really like it. Funny how time can change your perspective.Ā  I’m pricing this one at $85.00 with a white frame included.

This is what I have been doing for the past two days…pricing paintings.


Putting little stickers with prices on them, so I can compare everything. Finally, the stickers had to go, and I used white tags instead, but they did help me decide what to charge.

How do you price your paintings?Ā  Any suggestions here? I’m pricing these low in hopes that I will sell a bunch. I don’t know if that is a good idea or not.Ā  Any thoughts?

Market at the Farm

Just want to share the poster I made for my Market at the Farm…

market copy2

What do you think?Ā  I used one of my 30 day paintings for the farm look in the poster.

I will be hanging my paintings randomly on our old barn…We will put out tables and chairs and my barista son will serve coffee drinks and my daughter will make her incredible scones like her Blackberry Scones with Cinnamon Basil.


Is your mouth watering yet???Ā Ā  And we have also some furniture, old windows, antique barn doors, pottery, weaving, herbs and mums and dried flowers and pumpkins…etc.Ā  I wish you all could come… šŸ™‚

Day 25 ~ Snow Jewels

snow jewels copy8″ x 10″ oil on gessoed panel

This is my last entry for the 30 days. IĀ  painted 25 out of the 30, and I know I learned a lot. I have always loved this photo that my son took of his two sisters and I needed another winter scene for December in the calendar that I will make from my paintings this time around. Hope this one makes you smile. šŸ™‚

Thank you all for following me and all the likes and comments. It is so encouraging on a challenge like this to have people cheering you on.

If anyone is interested in a calender, let me know in a comment or email me at bealily@inbox.com. šŸ™‚