The Bike

This bike… I struggled a lot with this one… scraped it twice… went to bed thinking I could never do it… wondered why I ever said okay to this commission… prayed… and prayed and prayed some more…and I really think God answered my prayer… here it is… finished… I think…

Vintage Bicycle ©2016 Karin Naylor copy

12″ x 12″ oil on gallery-wrapped canvas



Summer’s End

This is the 3rd of my sunflower paintings for this summer… The petals were beginning to fall after days of painting my previous sunflowers…

Summer's End ©2016 Karin Naylor copy

11″ x  14″oil on linen canvas

I was excited to be using a linen canvas for the first time, and I loved it. I’m so thankful to be painting again, and I’m looking forward to posting here for the upcoming September 2016 30 Paintings in 30 Days…

IMG_808630 Paintings in 30 Days September 2016

Celia’s Sunflowers

Celia's Sunflowers ©2016 Karin Naylor

16″ x 20″ oil on canvas

I’ve been doing a little experimenting lately with brushes and palette knives and trying to swipe a little with the knife to get a looser feel. I have to admit I’m not very brave doing it, but it’s fun to try something new.

I wrote a little more about this painting and the vase on my website blog, in case you are interested, or haven’t seen it yet. 🙂

A Peak into My Studio

My son moved out and I took over his room. It took me awhile to set things up, but at this point I think I’m about as organized as I will get…


My brushes sit in a beautiful glass jar hand-blown by my daughter… 🙂

IMG_2776 copy

My son built this desk for all his computer gadgets and it works great for me. Paintings I have for sale are on the left. Paintings that are drying are on the right.

Plenty of room for storing frames, canvases, unfinished paintings…


And a place to sit and paint or talk or relax… a little space to myself…


My paints are all a mess in that basket under the table… I really need to do something about that. Anyone have suggestions on keeping your paints organized with the lids on them?

Hope you enjoyed the little tour. I’m really happy with my painting place.


Falling Petals

Falling Petals ©2016 Karin Naylor

12″ x 12″ oil on gallery wrapped canvas

Saw a beautiful photo shared on Instagram by Tonya and I asked if I could paint it. She gave me permission. Love the way it turned out… 🙂

I just ordered new note cards with some of my old paintings and some of my new. This painting included…


They are all available in my Etsy shop…

I hope you are having a nice August. It’s hot down here in Oklahoma. I’m looking forward to September, not only for the cooler weather, but 30 Paintings in 30 Days. Anyone else participating this time?